Samuel Ervin the First Settler of Pomeroy, Ohio

in Miscellaneous

Athens Messenger, June 19, 1932, page 2

Historian Clears Up Questionable Matter
Howell Declared First Settler of Pomeroy.

Pomeroy, June 18 - Several questions which could not be answered during a recent group discussion in a local office on matters pertaining to Meigs County history are somewhat cleared up by the following account.  Marcellus Howell of Union Avenue says that a forebear of the Howell family in Meigs, one Samuel Ervin, built a cabin near the site of the old boatyard, on upper Main Street, in 1807, being the first settler of the town of Pomeroy.

Historical records show that Amos Partlow came here in 1809 and built his cabin about where the Excelsior Salt Works are situated, that being the second house erected.

The third cabin was erected by Frank Hughes on the ground where the Courthouse now stands, and John Mason put up a cabin on Sugar Run.

Mr. Ervin, the Howell family records reveal, later built a cabin at Kerrs Run and lived there until 1815.

Mal Nye built the first store building, up near Kerrs Run, where he kept the first post office in Pomeroy until 1827.

Samuel Ervin later moved out into what is now Scipio Township, then unbroken wilderness, and hewed out a farm.  It was he who gave Ervin Creek of teh present day its name.

The first public road cut through the woods from Gallipolis to Chester was opened by Samuel Ervin, Ashley Cooley and Hamilton Kerr, relatives of all of whom still reside in Meigs County.

There was a flood in the Ohio River in 1814, which compelled Samuel Ervin and family to leave the cabin on the river front and take shelter in a cave in the cliffs behind the present location of the Junior High School.  They lived in the cave for seven days and nights in much discomfort, as it was in the month of February.Samuel Ervin newspaper article

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